i am inspired by truth .. and unending quest for it . 
everynight myself and an other researcher :) discusses about this alot .. and the journey began many years ago .. 

Very hard to digest incidents happened in my life .. (unfortunately, i cant alter your mood, so will not post them here ) , when i m studying my 7th class ..,
from then on ..  started to understand what people are made of .. 

slowly came to know the differences between showing and being ..

finally concluded that living among the greatest puppetteers .. who themselves are not in a position to alter the direction ..

have decided to live alone .. leaving out the rest :)  who cannot confirm their decisions based on just their beliefs .. but considering what on-lookers might think of !! how funny it is ..

i talk straight .. right from the brain .., i sometimes wonder . is my heart dead ? coz ., all my life .. i searched for friends .., but found good class mates, college mates , room mates , colleagues and others :) 

a true friend .. is a research subject ! first i am learning how i should be inorder to expect some one to be so ! 

and finally .. i have had a habit of interacting with many kinds of people .. and understanding them .. and find out those qualities in them ., which , when i am true to them .. hurts me .. and tries to wipe those qualities in me .. before i can ask them to do so ... 

so most of the time .. i search for qualities in people which hurt me .. 

coz ., as wise men already have said .. life is a war .. with in .. a change from within .. 
for me life is like a war .. for name me not in the list of failures.. for tomorrow i begin :)

i am made of .. simply (for those who understand me .. ) and complicatedly (for the rest ! who are really busy in their own lives ..) myself !

i m just vbr :)


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