
Showing posts from December 27, 2009


When you like something , FIGHT FOR IT When you dont like something , FIGHT WITH IT Dont compromise ...... and the victory is ours No exceptions in the path ... who ever it might be ! because there is no such thing called Right or Wrong ...... It is just if we liked it or not !!!!! Now .... i have decided to FIGHT ......... after a long time .. :) Fight with strategy is WAR and be GOD OF WAR (context: i am seriously angry on somebody ....... )


A new day has begun, with whose sunshine all the memories fade out. Look at the date and feel that there are yet more days to come ......... As Bertrand Russel said ... all the numbers are logical fictions , a number is the greatest thing i can ever see , as of now. a new number; like a new date , which tells me that there are more as many as to come as have gone.... So where ever there is a problem ... or something which breaks heart ... or something which makes you feel low ..... then do one simple thing ., like i do ... start counting again. for tomorrow is the new beginning .... and here i go :)