Listen to this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk3I9Pjhh_E

Me and frn discuss this all night daily .. well almost :)
about the purest form of beings .. the impulse response to something wrong happening around .. around us ..
is not what was cultivated by the persona built through experience and logic ...as of now .. i m right :)

one day a thought came into the mind .. some 10 years back .. what is that i call myself... (in telugu .. nenu .. ante evaru ?) take the example : this is my hand .., if the question means .. hand is something different to "MY" in the statement .. then who (if it is to be personified, just for the sake of understanding) is it ? then whose hand . whose leg . whose brain .. and whose memories are these ... ? who is that other distinct entity that makes us think it is different to body .. and hence to others ? (some call this ego !! in the positive sense )

exact doubt is .. is the tongue which speaks is it .. or thought that i am some one different to this body is it ? and if it is the latter ... then it is not studied any where .. or read any where .. or thought of till date(at that time) .. .. then it must be concluded that it is the residual knowledge of something external to the body that should be present to create such feeling ....
and this feeling created the potential energy to drive us far in time and space .... and here i present myself to you ..

a small question some 10 years ago to two guys in +1, brought them to a state that they continue the constant and persistent search for knowledge and start questioning all the popular beliefs !

and they became what they are today ... and are still on the go .. and meet them as they are by choice and not by any chance became and what they are to become .. in the days to come ....

me signing off ... for now .. :) with a simple question ... yaar yaar sivam ?


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