Following is from the teachings of Vedanta...

In Vedanta, heaven—or rather heavens—are accepted as part of the lower reality.
Going to heaven is not the professed to be the ultimate goal of life. According to Vedanta, heaven can be likened to a vacation resort. After death, if one has done enough good deeds in life, one can go to heaven for a very long time. But eventually he will have to return to the earthly plane. Thus even though one may be in heaven, he is still bound and mired in ignorance to his true nature.

[As it says in the Bhagavad-Gita:
From Brahma Loka to the lowest world,
all are places of misery wherein repeated birth and death take place O Arjuna.
But one who comes to me, O son of Kunti,
never takes birth again. (Gita 8:16)]

The human goal according Vedanta is Self-realization.
The Atma is the ultimate reality.
When one realizes his true nature, he attains spiritual fulfillment in this life itself.
Then, upon death, he does not go to any heavenly abode but simply merges into the supreme reality.

 (Since you know the truth.. now .., there is nothing actionable at your end ;) .. go and carry on with your work .. just .. keep this in mind :) .. that wat ever you do here in this world is just for making yourself satisfied ., like helping others , watching a movie , reading a book and so on.. they should be observed as a part of being happy and not as a part of gaining points towards heaven ! :) )


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