What are we left with ?

Sometimes it comes to mind , what we will be left with .. if we could not make it to here .,
like .... for example ., all the people talking to us .. all the ones we move with , watch movies with , have fun with , spend some of the lifes good times , attend functions with ... and so on ..

Hadnt we been here , where we are . ... or had this what we call today is ours hadnt been ours ., how many of these could ever return back to you just for what you are .. and not for what you have ?

this might be wrong for some , but i cant write a small post which just flows out of mind... 
and not for the sake of all :)
i am just converting my feelings into language and saving them  online ......

i some times wonder , if my mother had not taken chances to educate me, then what i would have been doing then .. might be working in a repair shop :) and suddenly after that , would she be showing the same affection .. as on today ? and after a thought and the experience .. the answer is YES.

And the important point is .. how many of the others still remain the same as related to you , even when you have lost(lost is important because .. if you dont have anything at all , then this question is not valid for those who stay with you when you have nothing to offer nothing to ask for ) everything ...  money , memory , charm , possessions , job , and your education is outofdate , and all the materials .. including job ! which you have been possessing here have gone..

Count those people , who would still be the same despite the time and other factors .. and we must have already experienced the same , we stick to many when there is opportunity ... and they are just 'opportunist friends' in my opinion .. have friends who will never change..

Just ask the question .. i have already asked myself this days ago ... "If i would be dying @ 12:00 PM today , whom would i call and talk to ? without telling this .. and what would i talk ?"
First thing what i did is .. went home very fast , and talked to mother ... and then offlined one more .. and messaged the other.

how many of others (everyone expect you) think about sharing their extreme happy moments with you .. not after everything got settled ... but during the moment .. who calls you or whom you call .. then you have friends :)

I have nothing to offer , and nothing to ask for ... would you still talk to me ?
This is what i am : nenintheila :) and i am glad to say .. i have friends !


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