The following seems to be very simple ... read it twice !

This is learnt by me .. solely from my experience only .. and read no where .. and not been said anywhere to me ... If this is right .. then leave it .. or else .. if this is wrong .. then comment on it .. for , i learn from you .. too :)

and . here it goes .................................

(HE is awake .. even when i sleep :) .. that's the reason .. i like him .. 
and believe in him .. he will take care of everything .. thank you .. dude)

if myself .. or someone makes a bad deed .. knowingly .., with bad thoughts in mind.., then even if the suffered does not take any revenge .. or atleast a small action against who made them suffer .... then god gives the former .., the punishment (call it awakening !! rather than punishment :) ) atleast ten times worth the deed.

I wish this should be tested .. by each one who reads this .. in the following way ..

if some one hurts you.. then dont scold them .. or do actions against them .. and if it is really done knowingly for some selfish deeds .., then .... they will suffer atleast 10 times their deed.

i tried this .. many times ., to let go .. those people .. who hurt me !
Forgive and forget (not the people .. but what they have done to you ... ) :)

Yours truly,
VBR :)


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