This is probably the last post of the season .. and will take leave from this .. yet again ; after starting to share on October 10 - 2009.

Currently i am left with nothing execpt myself again .. none to talk to .. none to move with .. i am alone as i was born .. again... as everyone all i know ; is busy with their lives .., and perhaps i am the only one .. waiting for others to be free .., and am waiting for their spare time to spend my time ....

so this is the reason i know many people .. coz ., atleast one of them will be free .., at any point of time .. when i was alive and alone and awake :)

but .. now i understood that .. it is me who is wanting to have friends ., and not others .. from my perspective..

and i have decided to desert all i like .. and all i know .. may b !!
this post is just a record of my feeling .. how i feel like .. currently ..

for those who read this .. at any time .. :)
i am the one .. who dont want your spare time .. or spare friendship :) :)

myself .. bored of this life .. bored of lies .. 

GOOD BYE ............


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