But how else could it be done ?

I see things ., find the way they are built .. learn how they work .. and feel what they feel like .....

Now i know the result of the work ... there will be infinite ways to get it done ., but what i am today. .. living in a state of freedom , with the knowledge i have gained out of experiences (after forgetting the specifics of the situations and being left with the essence) ...... i have two choices .. either to perform the task or not to ... if there is any affinity towards doing or .. not doing it ., then there is and exercise of the previous experience outthere.... but if i have no affinity towards the task ., whether to do it or not...... similarly as water flowing downward does not plan to do so ... or neither does it want to stop , look and proceed !! , the similar way.. according to the laws of conservation of energy in this universe , i feel like going on with the wind :) get blown by the wind... what ever i do is not driven with my intension ., and hence the result is not mine ! :)

and while doing it ., i simply feel exactly like the way if i had nt been doing it ..,
eg., while sleeping on a foam bed ., i get the feeling like .. had i been sleeping on the cold floor of the railway station .., and my response would be like .. yeah .. wat difference does it make to me .. if it is been the case ., it would have been .. and no issues !!

so ., the posessions others see .. as mine ., are actually carried with me with a note of caution .., this could disappear from me the very moment .....

and any action i do .. does not contain the intention of getting a result ., but for the sake of doing it .. as water does nt feel like reaching the destination it is to reach and plan its path :) :)

but in the process of moving forward and performing activities in daily life ... i know what it is .. and grasp the essence ..................
so i do it .. like this .... so i stop doing it (writing this post ;) ) .. like this :)


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