As it is rightly said ., freedom is not free..

you fight for freedom .. there might be some one who might think , why should we fight for freedom ..
but the point here is how can you be happy , if you are not free ..
and how you can be happy .. unless you are not constrained., both by mental .. as well as materials.......

when we realize that we need to be happy .. then we just will find that the minimum and necessary condition for this is .. people around us to be happy ..

and if they are nt .., then you are not happy .. and hence you are not free. .... eg., is .. you cannt be happy when your mother sleeps in hunger ... :) simple .. rite !

so .. in order for us to be free .., we must be happy .., and others around us .. be happy .., and they be happy .. when they have nothing in their mind , to be worried of .. and this happens when they are sufficiently provided with what they need .., and this is not possible ... for those who wish to have everything .. since everyone cannot get everything :) :) so .. since . others .. or we .. who think we want more than what we might ever need to live today .., are going in a direction where there is famine :) of happiness ....

so .. the whole weak point in the above logic is - "when they have nothing in their mind , to be worried of"

this means . when people . after getting enough to eat , wear and sleep .., are aspiring for "MORE" ..., then they cannt be happy .., and hence we cant be happy .., and cant be free to live .. since we are worried that others are worried ..

but do you find it rational that .. since you know that max .. we wanted in life ., at any point for this body to sustain is .. food , water , air , place to live , and something to wear .., and what is the major difference between you .. and the others who does not understand this point ....
it is just the knowledge ..  and nothing else..

even if we "KNOW" this thing .., and donot "UNDERSTAND" .., then difference between these creates a force within us .., when we wanted to have something .. and the conscience within says that ..., rey baalu .. do you really need this ?? ...
and this question within us .. creates a force ., in the reverse direction of wanting to have something .. for us ..

and this is the eternal fight .., we undergo every minute .. every second ... and infact every moment ...

and listen to the voice ... not mine .. or others ..., but yours ... stay calm .. listen to the voice ..

when you do something wrong .. when you lie to your friends or parents ., when you steal the credit of others .., when you mean something and say something .., and many more instances ... countless :) :)

then request you friends, to listen to the voice ... and FIGHT !!

fight for freedom.., result is happiness .. try it out .. just once :) :)


  1. Written with a very good motto.any one who follows this will definitely have
    high standards in life, and ofcourse happyness too.I wish that maximum number
    of people will read this.

  2. thank you .. sara :)

    and can you imagine .. why the gladiator pic is used ? for the post .... ???

  3. Yes...In fact, that is the first question that I got in mind , while reading the passage.
    Picking this picture is Simply Brilliant, I felt Awesome!! :) :).
    If you want me to straightly answer the question , the answer is "He fought for FREEDOM"..:).

  4. you are cool :) sara :) never underestimated you .. that is the reason why .. i asked this question :) :)


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