The following are strictly MY views on how the religion works .. according to the human brain ., and mind as well..

If you do not agree with the points and in case if the following content hurts your sentiments .. i am extremely sorry and did not intend to do so..

the following topic is really a boring lecture !!

Let me tell one simple "story" ...

first of all .., the time when one lady was about to deliver ., she was admitted into a gov hosptl.., where .. due to the very responsive staff (!!) the situation turned out to be that, she is going to die along with the baby in womb ., and as they could nt help , she had to leave the hospital to a near by town the very moment .., (all this happened after being admitted in to the hospital after 3 days !!! )...

now ., that would take an awesome 3-4 hours journey , and none is sure of what might happen to both the lives , as the condition was severe(literally .. and that i could nt explain it here .. for the reader's sake) ..,
but they made arrangements to give it a last try (and i think .. this is called hope!)

just with hope and nothing else.., they have prepared to move on..
but then;.. when they are about to leave , some one .. in the last minute ., advised to try the new hosptl instead of taking a risk which would certainly cost 2 lives. so ., as she approached the new hosptl , the doctor , after understanding the situation, resisted to join though ., but after a while ., upon confirmation that only one could be alive ... and as others agreed to save the life of the mother .,  and leave the unborn to the God !!

so .. started the operation !

after a while ., the doctor was happy enough that he could see both of them alive !!! but the point is baby was born in BLUE !  and didnt cry or . in laymans terms ., seem to be dead .....

and to give it a try ., baby was to breathe the oxigen from cylinder instead of . from the earthly air !!

and days went on .. and no response from the child .. after 3 days ., "it" started to cry .. the first cry of the BLUE baby :) and every one was happy that atleast the child was alive ... and crying !

and dear reader ! if you have read till here .. i must tell you that this is my story .., and the BLUE baby was me .. myself !!

now you can ask me .. how does this relate to religion :) :) ?? will tell you ...........................

from then on .. all of us started to respect the doctor who "helped" us ., stay alive .., for many more years to come .. and if my parents and others treated him with utmost respect ., coz he had helped us in a way none can .. atleast in that scenario ., my mother does not find any issue with treating him the form of god , who came to us in-time and did his part ..

in this moment , i need to tell you one fact ., even today .. my mother feels that she is a hindu .., and respects the same doctor as one of the infinite forms of god .. who comes to help us in our difficulties ., and now the question is .. is this respect and great feeling towards who helped what god is .. ? (atleast for her !!)

present day .. many and many of us ., feel that we belong to one religion or the other ., and what does the religion mean ., and what are the fundamentals of religion .... ?? if we consider a religion ., it is founded on basic principles which help people help each other .., and all the stories imbibed in the books is to carry out a message... and record a way of life, which seems to be ideal or utopian.. all the religions (as on date.. as i know them) merely shows how we should live in the world ., the tradition and rituals they say ..

now ., comes most of the modern people .. who believe that the rituals imbibed in the books are for the people who lived when the books were written .. for that time and not for the present day !! ..

let me ask you one question .. is there any change in the way people live .. and think, as compared to some years ago.. when the books were written ?!! certainly YES ...
and what is the change we observed ? it is the way people dress , eat , talk , work .. and all the regular activities ..

and most importantly .. the relations :) how we relate to others ...

if there is anything in the religion which says (which is true) ., it is not about the way we should dress , the way we should eat .., and all the other rituals which keeps on changing day by day .. from generation to generation ... and finally gets lost in the sands of time .. but the facts which are unchangeable since long .. the human relations :) (not to be confused with the named relations .. like father , mother , son , brother , sister , cousin , wife and so on .. .)

why i am sure about the point is .. all the rituals and the way of life .. told in the religions is not being followed .. today .. coz ., it is not feasible to do it the same way it was done centuries ago !!:)

so ., this means that actually , this is not to be taken from religion .. coz we are any ways not following it :) so what we do . today is .. follow those principles / rituals imbibed in the books ., told by elders .. which are comfortable:)

so .. this is comfortable truth ! religion is at a stage where it is nothing but individual comfort ....
and no way people see religion as a concept which explains the human relations are and should be ....

our lifestyle that a religion tells is .. how we should behave with others .. how true we should be .. how honestly and sincerely should be help others who are in need . and how we should act in a way we feel when others do it to us !!

IMHO ., religion is not going to temple ., is not performing a ritual on festival ., is not reading chants daily in the morning .., is not listening to devotional songs ., and many more .., which have changed since ages and are surely going to change ....

if religion is a set of rules ., we take what we like to .. leave out the rest .... and practice the accepted rules the way we like to .. without affecting our individual comfort :) (i think i am right! dont be angry upon me :) )

and if we are to follow a religion , then we are to live the way it says .... first of all in all the religions it is said to be true .., let us JUST practice this :) :) :) true to ourselves at least ..

FYI .... i am my own religion :)


  1. Religion is not a set of rules or principles its a BELIEF just like the way you believe "i am my own religion"

    Nice article :)

  2. hi dude :) thanks for the comment. Just thought about what you have said ... yeah that is always true ., "A Religion" is belief .., but i think i am talking about "The Religions" :)

    so .. i said : "...IF religion is a set of rules .." which shows i m not into considering "a religion" as set of rules ., but , the present day scenarios shows most of "The Religions" are a set of rules / customs :) :) am i right ? please correct me .. god !!

  3. say wha?
    read my boring take on this too, Mr Sollu:

    And I totally agree with you. Religion was established as a set of moral values, a framework in which to fit all your relations with other people. To control the reptilian self and allow the mammalian self a greater power to suppress the dominant, sadistic, instinctive feelings generated by the reptilian brain that have been inherited during the process of evolution.

    In the end, it was a means of control to prevent anarchy and promote peace. But, alas! it backfired!


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